My talk about the research so far at Spacemesh regarding Smart Contracts leveraging WebAssembly.
And here is a link to all the talks given at the Wasm on the blockchain workshop Berlin 2019
I'm thinking about starting my own blog...
So this is my very first blog post about why I think it's important to stay open-minded for new technological opportunities.
So this is my very first blog post about why I think it's important to stay open-minded for new technological opportunities.
Many thanks for Omer Hamerman and Yuval Zalmenson for the feedback!
3. Waxosuit - The Cloud-Native Exosuit for WebAssembly
On the last issue, we had Fastly's announcement article about Lucet:
The wasm out of the browser explodes and now a new (still in its infancy) project called Waxosuit has been born.
Waxosuit is a WebAssembly runtime (build on top of wasmer) for running in the cloud wasm code.
If I understand right, the vision is to equip the Waxosuit runtime with many capabilities (plugins) that could be used by the hosted wasm programs.
The big vision is to make the developer more productive since he/she will have a rich set of capabilities out of the box in the wasm runtime.
(for example, logging, monitoring, database integrations...)
It means a developer can write less code and rely on the set of these capabilities (high-level "system-calls like")
This could have the potential to be the next generation of Heroku or next generation of serverless computing
Here is a medium post, Introducing Waxosuit by @Kevin Hoffman the creator of waxosuit
A very interesting article about the future of programming using dependent types
I hope that Rust will have some form of this in the future 

This is more like a mini-book about long-term memory.
It's a joyful read full with illustrations and simple explanations.
One of the topics covered for better long-term memory is by practicing using
the spaced-repetition technique. A few years ago I've given a lightning talk about this technique, here is a link (the talk is in Hebrew)
This is another mini-book about memory but this time on working memory.
If you liked the content of the above item about long-term memory, you'll surely love this one as well.
An article that reviews the positive effects of practicing the Dual N-back game on working memory (according to a conducted research)
Last time we had GitHub Package registry and now the former CTO of npm releases a Decentralized Package Registry called Entropic.
This declaration is of high importance since it's a decentralized package registry.
Did it ever happen to you that the deployment of your service failed since your centralized package manager has been down? 

In the previous newsletter issue, I've added an item for Sourcegraph and GitHub has just released (still in Beta) its own Sourcegraph competitor (if to be delicate) and it'll be probably given the company another boost against the competition with GitLab.
Another product that should be worried for its future is Octotree (browser extension on top of GitHub)
GitHub also acquired another company called Pull Panda for streamlining the code reviews process
An eye-opening article about the nature of hiring people claiming that A Players will hire A Players, but B players will hire C players and so on.
I tend to agree with this. Usually, strong people will want to work with other strong people, since they understand they have something new to learn from them
(since no one knows everything).
This term has been coined by late Steve Jobs and here is the link to the original video of him talking about this.
"The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."
Tom Cargill, Bell Labs